Thursday, November 1, 2007

The lawn is watching-Bowling Ball Eyes

Well, technically they were "finished" by Halloween but they were still wet and sitting on the living room floor. I plan on moving them around the yard and posing them in different spots. They are tiled with broken fiesta ware on bowling balls. Quite a challenge to tile a sphere!


Dave Lowe said...

I LOVE THESE!!!! You should really market these and take orders for next Halloween. Great work!

Anonymous said...

these are great.

Anonymous said...

Will you make me some for the "Duke Gardens" FL installation, which will be built and ready to tour by summer of 2008?

Anonymous said...

i found one old bowling ball... cyclops eyeball then? oh at Dollar General store they have plastic eyes that hold candy now, besides the pumpkin variety, about six inches tall. I bought two blue eyed ones just cuz they are so cool. The candy is pretty good too....... love your mosaics, breaking junk into stepping stones and art objects is a great idea.

tamdoll said...

I would so love to have these onmy lawn. What a riot.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity!

Michelle McGee said...

Those are SO cool!

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

That is brillant! It makes me want to take up bowling, just to get my hand on a ball.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said...

Those are so cute! Thanks for the great Halloween idea.

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